
Results of the SISTEr Randomized Surgical Trial Comparing the Autologous Rectus Fascia Sling to the Burch Colposuspension


Introduction and Objectives

Cluster analysis is a statistical method for categorizing groups of individuals with similar properties or characteristics.

Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence Via Transobturator Route


Introduction and Objectives

The aim of this study is to report the functional results, patient satisfaction, and morbidity of the Transobturator tape procedure (TOT) in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

Race/Ethnic Differences in Symptoms and Impacts of Urinary Incontinence in Women Undergoing Stress Incontinence Surgery


Hypothesis/Aims of Study

To determine the relationship between POP-Q point Aa and maximum urethral straining angle (Q-tip strain) and if the relationship is affected by pelvic organ prolapse in a cohort of women with stress predominant urinary incontinence.

Two-year Outcomes Following Sacrocolpopexy with and without Burch to Prevent Stress Urinary Incontinence

Reference Urodynamic Values for Stress Incontinent Women


Introduction and Objectives

Interrater reliability (IRR) of the pressure flow study (PFS) in multicenter trials is difficult to achieve.

UIJ Volume 1 2008

UIJ Volume 4 2011

UIJ Volume 2 2009

UIJ Volume 3 2010

UIJ Volume 5 2012