Male Infertility
Obesity and male infertility: A practical approach - Abstract
December 3, 2012
Clinical outcome after insemination with donor sperm in patients with poor results in ICSI cycles - Abstract
December 1, 2012
Detection of Y chromosome microdeletions and mitochondrial DNA mutations in male infertility patients - Abstract
November 30, 2012
Male infertility after endoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal (Tep) hernia repair (Main): Rationale and design of a prospective observational cohort study - Abstract
November 29, 2012
Spermatogonial stem cell preservation in boys with Klinefelter syndrome: To bank or not to bank, that's the question - Abstract
November 28, 2012
European Association of Urology guidelines on Male Infertility: The 2012 update - Abstract
November 23, 2012
Raw and test-thaw semen parameters after cryopreservation among men with newly diagnosed cancer - Abstract
November 20, 2012
Influence of inguinal hernia mesh repair on testicular flow and sperm autoimmunity - Abstract
November 19, 2012
Semen analysis in adolescent cancer patients prior to bone marrow transplantation: When is it too late for fertility preservation? - Abstract
November 16, 2012
Genetic disorders related to male factor infertility and their adverse consequences - Abstract
November 14, 2012
Abnormalities of the testes and semen parameters in clinical varicocele - Abstract
November 14, 2012
Dramatic reduction in sperm parameters following bariatric surgery: Report of two cases - Abstract
November 2, 2012
Male fertility, obesity, and bariatric surgery - Abstract
November 2, 2012