Raw and test-thaw semen parameters after cryopreservation among men with newly diagnosed cancer - Abstract

OBJECTIVE: To characterize sperm parameters from thawed semen samples of men with different cancers who cryopreserved semen before oncologic therapy.

DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.

SETTING: Tertiary academic medical center.

PATIENT(S): 1,010 semen samples collected between 1994 to 2010.


MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Mean total motile count (TMC), change in percentage motility and percentage survival (100 * [postthaw % motility/raw % motility]) for each cancer compared with data from samples of men without cancer (the "procreative management" group), and proportion of postthaw samples with TMC >5 × 106.

RESULT(S): The procreative management group had the best raw and postthaw semen quality. The best raw and postthaw semen quality for cancer patients occurred in those with prostate cancer (TMC of 155.1 and 53.2 × 106, respectively) and the worst in those with leukemias. Lymphoid leukemias demonstrated the worst raw TMC (26.8 × 106), but myeloid leukemias displayed the worst postthaw TMC (6.9 × 106). The testicular cancer group was the only group with a statistically significantly lower chance of having TMC >5 × 106.

CONCLUSION(S): Men with testicular cancer were most commonly referred for sperm cryopreservation and were the only group that was statistically significantly less likely to have TMC >5 × 106 on postthaw semen analysis. The most severe reduction in TMC was seen in the myeloid leukemia group, suggesting that these patients along with men with testis cancer and those with lymphoid leukemia should be counseled to provide increased numbers of specimens for fertility preservation.

Written by:
Hotaling JM, Lopushnyan NA, Davenport M, Christensen H, Pagel ER, Muller CH, Walsh TJ.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.

Reference: Fertil Steril. 2012 Oct 25. pii: S0015-0282(12)02250-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2012.09.031

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23103020

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