Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms: Case-Based Discussion with Eric Rovner
June 6, 2018
Eric Rovner, MD and Benjamin Brucker, MD presents a case-based discussion of a 74 year old women, with the complaint of frequent urination. Eric and Ben evaluate this patient’s symptoms of voiding dysfunction, nocturia, daytime frequency and summarize new treatment options for this individual.
Eric S. Rovner, M.D., is the director of the section of voiding dysfunction, female urology, and urodynamics in the Department of Urology at MUSC. He has a highly specialized clinical practice within urology and sees mostly patients with complex voiding problems including urinary incontinence, vaginal prolapse, urinary fistulae and neurogenic bladder dysfunction..
Benjamin M. Brucker, MD
Read the AUA Late Breaking Abstract Presented:
Extended First Uninterrupted Sleep Period (FUSP) in Nocturia Patients Following Treatment Despmopressin Using an Emulsified Microdose Formulation