Closing Statement from the 13th International Uro-Oncology Conference in São Paulo, Brazil - Phillip Koo

April 1, 2022

Phillip Koo offers closing remarks from São Paulo, Brazil at the 13th International Uro-Oncology Conference one of the largest Genitourinary (GU) Oncology Meetings in the world. Latin American urologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, and other health care providers came together to elevate clinical trial research and multidisciplinary treatment management of GU malignancies in Latin America.


Phillip J. Koo, MD, FACS Division Chief of Diagnostic Imaging at the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center in Arizona.

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Phillip J. Koo: This concludes our coverage of the 13th International Uro- Oncology Symposium here in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Looking back, I think we learned a lot about how prostate cancer and bladder cancer and various GU malignancies are managed here in Brazil. And what we learned is that, though it's a global disease, there are clearly local factors that affect how patients are managed, whether it's access to LINACs, access to drugs, socioeconomic factors, clearly a lot of these come into play.

But it's very encouraging to learn about the excitement that the community has with regards to clinical trials, research, and really focusing on health equity, which I think is so important in this country that has that divide between the public and the private sector. Overall, it's been an honor to be here covering this meeting. I think we look forward to being a partner with the Uro- Oncology community here in Brazil and Latin America. And I think there are a lot of great ways we can continue working together to improve cancer care.