A Narrative Review of Micro-hole Zone Technology: An innovation in clean intermittent self-catheterisation
Thomas B.L. Lama,b, Altaf Mangerac, Paul Abramsd,e,f, Mohammed Belalg,h, Carmel Curtisi, Jacqueline Emkesj,k, Jonathan Charles Goddard,l, Sarah Hillerym,n, Karen Irwino, Karen Loganp, Nikesh Thiruchelvamq, Polly Westonr,s, Ann Yatest, Christopher Chappleu,v,w
- Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, UK
- Academic Urology Unit, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
- Spinal Injuries Unit, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK
- University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
- Bristol Urological Institute, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK
- Bristol Health Research Charity, Bristol, UK
- University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- The British Association of Urological Surgeons, London, UK
- King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
- National Bladder and Bowel Health Project NHS England and Excellence in Continence Care Board – Chair Patient and Carer forum, Manchester, UK
- Bladder Health UK, Birmingham, UK
- Leicester General Hospital, Leicester, UK
- York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, York, UK
- The British Association of Urological Nurses, Bathgate, UK
- Bladder & Bowel UK, Manchester, UK
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Newport, UK
- Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK
- University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, Kendal, UK
- Association for Continence Professionals, Bathgate, UK
- Cardiff & Vale University Health Board, Cardiff, UK
- Department of Urology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK
- University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
- Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, UK