
TVT-s in Comparison with TVT-o : 12-Month Results


In Slovenia tension-free slings (tvt sling) to treat stress urinary incontinence caused by urethral hypermobility and intrinsic sphincter deficiency is used from the year 1998.

Evaluation of Bladder Wall Thickness, Post-Void Residual Volume, Prostate Volume and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) of Patients Undergoing Transrectal Ultrasound


Hypothesis / Aims of Study: Pad testing is a simple, non-invasive and effective method to quantify the amount of urine loss in patients with urinary incontinence. The short-term tests are easy, quick, and provide immediate information. The pad weight result can serve as an excellent and objective outcome procedure before and after treatment in patients with urinary incontinence. It is important, in this case the capacity of a test to be responsive to change in appropriate way after change of medical condition. There are few studies in literature that assess the sensitivity of 1- hour pad test to change in time of incontinence status. The post-prostatectomy incontinence model is ideal for this purpose, in fact the majority of patients recover urinary control after 1 year from surgery, for a natural recovery of rhabdosphincter function. The aim of this study is to assess the validity and reliability of 1-hour pad test to detect the changes of post-prostatectomy incontinence, and its correlation with the number of episodes of urinary leakage and the results of a validated questionnaire.

Dose-ranging Pharmacokinetic Study of ANTUROL&#8482 Transdermal Oxybutynin Gel for Overactive Bladder


The study was an open-label, randomized, parallel, three-treatment, dose-ranging pharmacokinetic study.

Evaluation of Dynamic MRI Pelvic Floor Measurement Variability in a Multicenter Trial


Introduction and Objective: Conditional electrical stimulation for neurogenic detrusor overactivity has been studied using involuntary detrusor pressure rises as a trigger to start stimulation. Detrusor pressure rises were detected by transurethral and transanal catheters for bladder and abdominal pressure registration. The use of these catheters is not suitable in daily life. Some spinal cord injury patients with neurogenic bladder overactivity can sense bladder fullness or involuntary detrusor pressure rises by normal bladder sensations or non-specific bladder sensations, like abdominal fullness or vegetative symptoms. We studied the usefulness of bladder sensations for conditional electrical stimulation in spinal cord injury patients with neurogenic bladder overactivity.

Catheter Care Knowledge: Are Medical Staff Well Trained?

Introduction and Objectives

Biological tissues are widely used in urological surgeries to treat conditions like pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

UIJ Volume 1 2008

UIJ Volume 4 2011

UIJ Volume 2 2009

UIJ Volume 3 2010

UIJ Volume 5 2012