Testicular carcinoid tumours (TCT) account for less than 1% of all testicular neoplasms.
A 17-year-old male underwent radical orchiectomy for a painful indurated and increased in size right testicle; a mixed echogenic mass, with a central homogeneous area surrounded by a hypoechoic edge with calcifications was found at ultreasound with increased vascularity at color Doppler examination. Biochemical markers were within normal limits. These symptoms are not specific and the majority of TCT are only diagnosed on histopathology. Patients should undergo long-term biochemical and radiological follow-up given potential for delayed metastases, in one case 17 years after primary treatment.
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D'Arrigo L, Costa A, Fraggetta F, Cacciola A, Bonaccorsi A, Savoca F, Aragona F. Are you the author?
Urology Unit, Cannizzaro Hospital, Catania.
Reference: Arch Ital Urol Androl. 2014 Sep 30;86(3):231-2.
doi: 10.4081/aiua.2014.3.231
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25308595