Advanced testicular cancer in a society of racial and socio-economic health disparity - Abstract

This is the case of an African-American man who presented with a 6 month history of impressive unilateral testicular swelling and abdominal pain.

After a thorough workup he was found to have metastatic testicular seminoma causing multiple complex sequelae. This case highlights the essential diagnostic and therapeutic features of a common malignancy seen primarily in young men. His advanced disease presentation, complex management of multiple comorbidities combined with his African-American race and lower socio-economic status (SES) highlight an unusual paradigm shift in testicular cancer epidemiology from the more typical high SES Caucasian to the lower SES, less educated male patient. Beyond the unexpected clinical presentation, this case then presents multiple avenues of discussion regarding the unfortunate effects of racial disparities on disease presentation and progression that are plaguing our healthcare system today.

Written by:
Kaufman M.   Are you the author?
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

Reference: BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jun 24;2013(jun24_1). pii: bcr2013009277.
doi: 10.1136/bcr-2013-009277

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23813997 Testicular Cancer Section