A case of testicular cancer treated with neo adjuvant therapy in a patient in male is rare. When testicular cancer presents, it is usually directly operated due to the size of cancer which presented within the order of operable size.
Here, we report a rare case of a 5-year-old male patient presented to the emergency room (ER) due to mass on the scrotum without the difficulty of urination. From clinical findings, mass with a size of 15 x 10 cm was found with multiple abscesses on both sides of the scrotum. Pathological Anatomy Examination confirmed yolk sac tumour present within the scrotal mass. Initially, palliative chemotherapy took place to reduce the growth rate of the tumour. However, due to the responsiveness of testicular cancer to chemotherapy drugs, it reduced into operable size testicular cancer. Wide excision and Orchidectomy was then performed, followed by adjuvant chemotherapy.
This case report showed the possibility of using neo adjuvant chemotherapy as an alternative treatment when inoperable testicular cancer presented in hospital.
Open access Macedonian journal of medical sciences. 2019 Jul 13*** epublish ***
Andhika H Novianda, Fauriski Febrian Prapiska
Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.