Testicular rhabdomyosarcoma after chemotherapy for metastatic germ cell tumors.

A 36-year-old male was referred to our hospital with left scrotal swelling. Computed tomography revealed a massive tumor in his left scrotum. The tumor extended along the gonadal vein extraperitoneally forming a massive tumor. Pathological examination showed a mixed-type germ cell tumor. Despite several chemotherapeutic treatments, the tumor continued to grow, and the patient died 28 months later after his first presentation at our institution. Autopsy revealed that the tumor comprised rhabdomyosarcoma and mature teratoma. We could not find useful tumor markers to facilitate the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma. However, we recommend rebiopsy or palliative operation as options for re-diagnosis in case of resistant germ cell tumor. Here, we present a case of testicular tumor that exhibited different pathological examination results before and after treatment.

International cancer conference journal. 2019 Jun 15*** epublish ***

Ryunosuke Nakagawa, Shuhei Aoyama, Satoko Urata, Mitsuo Ofude, Tohru Miyagi, Takao Nakashima, Yurie Okayama, Kazuyoshi Katayanagi

1Department of Urology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital, 2-1, Kuratsukihigashi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Japan., 2Department of Pathology, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital, 2-1, Kuratsukihigashi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Japan.