CTC capture is accomplished using various methods including immunomagnetic enrichment, microfluidic sorting, and high content scanning.1-4 The number of CTCs is representative of disease burden and serves as a biomarker for prognosis and response to therapy. In some studies, CTC kinetics on treatment were superior to PSA change in predicting overall survival.5,6 CTC molecular phenotypes are also informative: For example, the AR-V7 splice variant of the androgen receptor, which is associated with therapy resistance, can be detected in CTCs by immunofluorescent staining using a monoclonal anti-AR-V7 antibody as well as by qPCR amplification of mRNA from immunomagnetically enriched CTCs.7,8
Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) analysis is accomplished through digital droplet PCR, beads, emulsions, amplification, and magnetics (BEAM), whole exome sequencing, or targeted sequencing libraries.9 Guardant360 CDx and FoundationOne Liquid CDx are FDA approved for comprehensive analysis of cfDNA.10,11
cfDNA can be used to detect clinically relevant DNA alterations in prostate cancer, such as homologous recombination deficiency (HRD) mutations. HRD mutations suggest a poor response to ARPIs as well as poor cancer-specific survival.12 Conversely, they predict response to poly adenosine diphosphate-ribose polymerase inhibitor (PARPi) treatment; therefore determining HRD mutation status is clinically imperative in those with metastatic disease.10 Serial cfDNA is also useful in monitoring disease response as well as development of resistant as HRD reversion mutations have been identified in patients with progression on PARPi treatment.13
Based on the evidence provided by a number of phase 3 trials supporting the clinical validity of liquid biopsies as biomarkers for prognosis and treatment response, we propose an algorithm for incorporating the use of liquid biopsies in the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer, summarized in the diagram below (Figure 1).

Liquid biopsy approaches are rapidly evolving, with new capabilities such as highly multiplexed protein profiling enabled by technologies like single cell mass cytometry and evaluation of DNA methylation patterns by whole genome sequencing of bisulfite converted cfDNA.14-16 Combination of multiple liquid biopsy techniques may provide a more comprehensive and nuanced molecular picture of an individual’s disease.17 Our understanding of the potential utility of liquid biopsies continues to evolve, and with further clinical validation liquid biopsies will become an integral tool in the standard of care treatment of metastatic prostate adenocarcinoma.
Written by: Varsha Tulpule, Gareth J. Morrison, Mary Falcone, David I. Quinn, Amir Goldkorn
Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Medicine, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
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