INTRODUCTION: Radical surgery is the "gold standard" for treatment of invasive penile carcinoma but very poor aesthetic, functional and psychological outcomes have been reported.
Our purpose was to assess the impact of organ potency-sparing surgery in locally confined carcinoma of the penis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We evaluated retrospectively 42 patients with early penile cancer (Ta,T1,T2), treated with glandulectomy and glanduloplasty with urethral mucosa and sparing of cavernosal apexes, or glandulectomy and limited apical resection in cases of Stage T2. Sexual function, ejaculation and libido were evaluated with an IIEF-15 questionnaire before the appearance of neoplasia (about three months before the surgery) and six months after surgery. Quality of life was evaluated by the Bigelow-Young questionnaire. The scores relating to two weeks prior to the surgery have been compared to those obtained six months after surgery. The statistical analysis was conducted using t-Student for repeated measures and analysis of variance.
RESULTS: Six months after surgery 73% of patients reported spontaneous rigid erections, 60% coital activity while 76% of the group treated with urethral glanduloplasty reported normal ejaculation and orgasm, regained an average of 35 days after surgery. The average IIEF-15 scores reported in the entire series in the domains of erection, libido and coital activity of the pre-cancer period were not statistically different than those recorded six months after surgery. In the group treated with glandular reconstruction, pre-and postoperative IIEF-15 mean scores related to ejaculation and orgasm domains were not significantly different. Mean scores of Bigelow-Young questionnaires related to sexual pleasure, familial, social and professional relationships showed significant improvement after surgery.
CONCLUSIONS: Potency sparing-sparing surgical treatments have a positive impact on a wide spectrum of the patient's life including family relationships, and social and working conditions.
Written by:
Gulino G, Sasso F, Palermo G, D'Onofrio A, Racioppi M, Sacco E, Pinto F, Antonucci M, D'Addessi A, Bassi P. Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Catholic University of Rome, Italy.
Reference: Indian J Urol. 2013 Apr;29(2):119-23.
doi: 10.4103/0970-1591.114033
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23956513 Penile and Urethral Cancers Section