OBJECTIVE: To determine if female partners of patients with penile cancer have more cervical lesions and neoplasia than would be expected from population-based data.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We included all consecutive patients with primary penile carcinoma in the period 2004-2010. Results of Dutch cervical cancer screening were used to consider (pre)malignant cervical lesions in female partners of patients with penile cancer.
RESULTS: In all, 206 women were included. Gynaecological information was available in 195 women: Papanicolaou test (PAP) smears were normal were in 129 partners, 10 smears were abnormal (5.1%, 95% confidence interval 2.5-9.2). PAP2 was found in five, PAP3a in two, PAP3b in two women and PAP4 in one woman. Colposcopy in two women with PAP3b showed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 in both. This prevalence was not different from baseline results in the general Dutch population.
CONCLUSION: Female partners of patients with penile cancer did not show more premalignant cervical lesions than in the general population.
Written by:
de Bruijn RE, Heideman DA, Kenter GG, van Beurden M, van Tinteren H, Horenblas S. Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Reference: BJU Int. 2013 May 21. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1111/bju.12237
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23905914
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