Fistula between external iliac artery and ileal conduit after radical cystectomy: A life-threatening complication - Abstract

OBJECTIVE: To present a rare complication of an iliac artery to ileal conduit fistula after radical cystectomy.

METHODS:A 74 year-old man with muscle invasive bladder cancer was submitted for robotic radical cystectomy with intracorporeal ileal conduit. Twenty-four days after surgery he was readmitted due to an active bleeding from the ileal conduit.

RESULTS: CT-Scan showed an arterial fistula between the external iliac artery and the ileal conduit. The emergency procedure done was an artery ligation, bilateral cutaneous ureterostomy and extra-anatomic femoro-femoral bypass.

CONCLUSIONS: A fistula from the external iliac artery to the ileal conduit is a rare and serious complication in the Bricker type urinary diversion, with only 7 cases reported in the international literature.

Written by:
Castillo OA1, Campos Juanatey F, Vives Rivera F, López-Vallejo J.   Are you the author?
Urology Department. Clinica Indisa, Chile, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.

Reference: Arch Esp Urol. 2013 Dec;66(10):967-9.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24369191

Article in English, Spanish. Bladder Cancer Section