The clinical management of solid tumor patients has recently undergone a paradigm shift as the result of the accelerated advances in cancer genetics and genomics.
Molecular diagnostics is now an integral part of routine clinical management in lung, colon, and breast cancer patients. In a disappointing contrast, molecular biomarkers remain largely excluded from current management algorithms of urologic malignancies. The need for new treatment alternatives and validated prognostic molecular biomarkers that can help clinicians identify patients in need of early aggressive management is pressing. Identifying robust predictive biomarkers that can stratify response to newly introduced targeted therapeutics is another crucially needed development. The following is a brief discussion of some promising candidate biomarkers that may soon become a part of clinical management of bladder cancers.
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Netto GJ. Are you the author?
Departments of Pathology, Urology and Oncology, Johns Hopkins University, 402 N Broadway Ave, Weinberg Building Suite 2242, Baltimore, Maryland 21231.
Reference: Semin Diagn Pathol. 2013 Nov;30(4):313-20.
doi: 10.1053/j.semdp.2013.11.005
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24342287 Bladder Cancer Section