OBJECTIVE: To determine the variables that affect quality of life of patients treated by radical cystectomy with ileal conduit.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: We analyzed quality of life using the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire. This questionnaire evaluates mobility, personal care, daily activities, pain/discomfort, anxiety/depression and a self-rating scale of the health condition. We compared the result with demographic variables (gender, age, work situation, studies, income, partner) and clinical variables (ASA classification, tumor stage, time since cystectomy was performed, adjuvant chemotherapy, recurrent and complications of the stoma). The statistical analysis included a descriptive study, univariate and multivariate analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 59 patients were included in the study, with a mean age of 69 years (47-84). Mean time from cystectomy was 43 months (12-83), with 61% complications associated to the stoma. Stoma complications were related with limitations in personal care, pain/discomfort, anxiety, depression and quality of life in general. Female gender was associated with limitations in daily activities and adjuvant chemotherapy with anxiety/depression and quality of life in general. The rest of the variables were not statistically significant in the multivariate analysis.
CONCLUSIONS: The limitations in quality of life in patients with cystectomy and ileal conduit are associated with the stoma-associated complications. Other related variables are female gender and administration of adjuvant chemotherapy.
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Tejido-Sánchez A, García-González L, Jiménez-Alcaide E, Arrébola-Pajares A, Medina-Polo J, Villacampa-Aubá F, Díaz-González R. Are you the author?
Servicio de Urología, Unidad de Urooncología, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, España.
Reference: Actas Urol Esp. 2013 Jul 10. pii: S0210-4806(13)00162-9.
doi: 10.1016/j.acuro.2013.04.006
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23850163
Article in English, Spanish.
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