In vivo testing of a prototype system providing simultaneous white light and near infrared autofluorescence image acquisition for detection of bladder cancer - Abstract

A prototype instrument developed to provide simultaneously ordinary visual endoscopy together with near infrared (NIR) autofluorescence imaging via parallel image acquisition is demonstrated.

The two images are recorded concurrently and the instrument interfaces with any ordinary endoscope. Preliminary results of a pilot study focused on imaging of bladder tumors in vivo using this instrumentation are presented. The experimental results demonstrate the capabilities of this instrumentation design, imaging methodology, and define the current limitation for further development of the system.

Written by:
Jacobson MC, deVere White R, Demos SG. Are you the author?
UC Davis Medical Center, Department of Urology, 4860 Y St., Suite 2200, Sacramento, California 95817, USA.

Reference: J Biomed Opt. 2012 Mar;17(3):036011.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22502569 Bladder Cancer Section