PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between December 2009 and December 2010, we performed RARC in 25 men (intrafascial bilateral [22], unilateral [one], non-neurovascular bundle [NVB] sparing [two]), NVB-sparing RARC with anterior pelvic exenteration in two women, bilateral extended robot-assisted pelvic lymph node dissection (RAPLND) (25), intracorporeal Studer pouch (23), ileal conduit (two), and extracorporeal Studer pouch (two) construction. Patient demographics, operative and postoperative variables, pathological variables, complications (according to modified Clavien system) and functional outcomes were evaluated.
RESULTS: The mean (sd, range) operative duration, intraoperative estimated blood loss and mean lymph node (LN) yield were 9.9 (1.4, 7.1-12.4) h, 429 (257, 100-1200) mL and 24.8 (9.2, 8-46), respectively. The mean (sd, range) hospital stay was 10.5 (6.8, 7-36) days, there was one perioperative death (3.7%), lodge drains were removed at a mean of 11.3 (5.6, 9-35) days and surgical margins were negative in all but one patient who had pT4b disease. The postoperative pathological stages were: pT0 (five), pTis (one), pT1 (one), pT2a (five), pT2b (three), pT3a (six), pT3b (two), pT4a (three) and pT4b (one). Positive LNs and incidental prostate cancer were detected in six and nine patients, respectively and at a mean follow-up of 6.3 (2.9, 1.8-11.3) months, three patients died from metastatic disease and one from cardiac disease. According to the modified Clavien system, there were nine minor (Grade 1 and 2) and four major (Grade 3-5) complications in the perioperative (0-30 days) period; four minor and three major complications in the postoperative (31-90 days) period. Of the available 18 patients, 11 were fully continent, four had mild and two had severe day-time incontinence.
CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral NVB-sparing RARC with RAPLND and intracorporeal Studer pouch or ileal conduit reconstruction are complex procedures with acceptable morbidity, excellent short-term surgical and pathological outcomes and satisfactory functional results. Studies with more patients and longer follow-ups are required to evaluate the feasibility of these RA totally intracorporeal complex procedures.
Written by:
Canda AE, Atmaca AF, Altinova S, Akbulut Z, Balbay MD. Are you the author?
1st Urology Clinic, Ankara Ataturk Training and Research Hospital Department of Urology, School of Medicine, Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara, Turkey.
Reference: BJU Int. 2011 Dec 16. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10794.x
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22177416 Bladder Cancer Section