Retroperitoneal haematoma as a complication at the beginning of a laparoscopic operation - Abstract

After laparoscopic appendectomy complications and injury to the intraabdominal organs and major vessels are rare but well documented.

The majority of complications occur during establishment of pneumoperitoneum. Frequently used entries are open trocar (Hasson), closed using Veress needle and direct trocar insertion. In this case we describe an incident where the towel clip, used to get hold of the supraumbilical fascia to minimize the risk of injury, was pressed down too hard. The retroperitoneum was accidentally punctured and a haematoma above vena cava was created.

Written by:
Christensen JG, Achiam MP.   Are you the author?
Ragnagade 15, 1.1., 2100-København Ø.  

Reference: Ugeskr Laeger. 2015 Jan 26;177(2A). pii: V11120644.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25612988

Article in Danish. Adrenal and Kidney Conditions Section