Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and the Urinary Tract (CAKUT) - Abstract

This article reviews the majority of Congenital Anomalies of the Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) with emphasis in Pediatric Pathology describing and illustrating lesions as varied as ureteral duplications, ureteropelvic junction obstruction, horseshoe kidney, posterior urethral valve and prune belly syndrome, obstructive renal dysplasia, nonmotile ciliopathies and several syndromes associated with renal malformations (Meckel-Joubert, short rib, Bardet-Biedl, asplenia/polysplenia, hereditary renal adysplasia, Zellweger, trisomies, VACTER-L, Potter, caudal dysplasia, and sirenomelia), as well as ADPK, and ARPK.

The purpose of this review is not only to describe the congenital renal anomalies, but also to analyze the more recent therapeutic interventions that may modify the natural history of some of these severe conditions.

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Rodriguez MM.   Are you the author?
Holtz Children's Hospital Department of Pathology, Pediatric Pathology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA.

Reference: Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2014 Oct 14. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.3109/15513815.2014.959678

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25313840 Adrenal and Kidney Conditions Section