Laparoscopic extirpation of giant adrenal ganglioneuroma - Abstract

Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the standard of care for management of adrenal neoplasms.

However, large sized adrenal lesions are considered as relative contraindication for laparoscopic extirpation. We report laparoscopic excision of giant ganglioneuroma of adrenal gland in a 33-year-old female patient. Patient was presented with left loin pain of 2 months duration. Computed tomography (CT) scan was suggestive of non-enhancing left suprarenal mass measuring 17 × 10 cm. Preoperative endocrine evaluation ruled out functional adrenal tumor. Patient underwent transperitoneal excision of suprarenal mass. The lesion could be completely extirpated laparoscopically. Duration of surgery was 250 minutes. Estimated blood loss was 230 milliliters. Specimen was extracted through pfannenstiel incision. No significant intraoperative or postoperative happenings were recorded. Microscopic features were suggestive of ganglioneuroma of adrenal gland.

Written by:
Abraham GP, Siddaiah AT, Das K, Krishnamohan R, George DP, Abraham JJ, Chandramathy SK.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Lakeshore Hospital, Kochi, India; Department of Pathology, Lakeshore Hospital, Kochi, India.

Reference: J Minim Access Surg. 2014 Jan;10(1):45-7.
doi: 10.4103/0972-9941.124479

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24501511 Adrenal and Kidney Conditions Section