Early vs Delayed Transurethral Surgery in Acute Urinary Retention: Does Timing Make a Difference?

To compare outcomes of early vs delayed transurethral surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia after an episode of acute urinary retention vs men without preoperative acute retention.

We conducted a retrospective cohort analysis using data from the New York Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System from 2002-2016. We identified men ≥40 years old who underwent primary ambulatory transurethral resection or photoselective vaporization of the prostate, assessing surgical failure as time to reoperation or recatheterization. We categorized presurgical acute urinary retention by number of episodes: none (reference), 1, or ≥2 precatheterizations, and time from first retention episode to surgery: none (reference), 0-6 months, and >6 months. We used Fine-Gray competing-risk models to predict surgical failure at 10 years, with presurgical acute retention as the primary predictor, adjusted for age, race, insurance, Charlson Comorbidity Index score, preoperative urinary infection, and procedure type, with death as the competing risk.

Among 17,474 patients undergoing transurethral surgery, 10% had preoperative acute retention with a median time to surgery of 2.4 months (IQR: 1-18). Among men with preoperative retention, 37% had ≥6 months of delay to surgery. The 10-year cumulative treatment failure rate was 17.2% among catheter naïve men vs 34.0% with ≥2 precatheterizations and 32.9% with ≥6 months delay to surgery. Delays from catheterization to surgery were associated with higher rates of treatment failure (<6 months SHR 1.49, P < .001; ≥6 months SHR 2.11, P < .001) vs catheter naïve men.

Preoperative acute urinary retention and delay to surgery once catheterized are associated with poorer long-term postoperative outcomes after surgery for BPH.

The Journal of urology. 2023 May 30 [Epub ahead of print]

Daniel M Frendl, Wesley H Chou, Ya-Wen Chen, David C Chang, Michelle M Kim

Department of Urology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts., Codman Center, Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.