Urinary incontinence has a negative impact on a health related quality of life, and it contributes to depression. Depression is a serious illness affecting health, family and professional activity of many people in all sectors of society. Both conditions concern young women. Following study presents depression among young women suffering urinary incontinence. There are various aspects of the young women's comorbid depression and urinary incontinence, mentioned in the present literature: coexistence of depression and urinary incontinence, area of postpartum period, associated sexual dysfunction, and impact on the professional sphere. To conclude, it should be highlighted that the problem of urinary incontinence and depression affects not only elderly, as it would be suspected, but on a large scale also young women and there is a strong need of the further prevention and investigation these coexisting diseases.
Psychiatria Danubina. 2017 Sep [Epub]
Kinga Tyrała-Seweryn, Mariusz Seweryn, Krzysztof Krysta
Scientific Society of Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Medical University of Silesia, ul Ziołowa 45-47, Katowice, Poland, .