To assess the association between empty bladder stress test and objective and subjective measures of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) severity.
Prospective, analytic and descriptive study of females with diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence atmosféreferred for urodynamics study. Every patient underwent medical history (including number of daily pads) and physical examination, ISIQ-SF and short IIQ-7 questionnaires, and full urodynamic study, including the measurment of the abdominal leak pressure point (ALPP). Positive empty stress test was defined as stress urine leak on physical exam after uroflowmetry evacuation and in absence of significant post-void residual. To evaluate the relationship between empty bladder stress test and each one of the stress urinary incontinence severity measures, Stundent's t test was performed, considering a 〈0.05 value statistically significant.
107 patients were studied in the final analysis; of them 49 had empty bladder stress test (+) and 58 (-). Patients with positive test wet a greater number of protectors per day (3.9 vs 2.8; p 0.013), higher ICIQSF score (15.04 vs 12.22; p 0.0007), higher IIQ-7 score (52.2 vs 37.5; p 0.0049) and lower urodynamics ALPP (73 cm H2O vs 91 cm H2O; p 0.0002).
Patients with SUI and positive empty bladder stress test had a strong association with the objective and subjective perception of urine incontinence severity with a negative impact in patients quality of life.
Archivos españoles de urología. 2016 Jun [Epub]
L Arribillaga, M Ledesma, R G Bengió, A Montedoro, F Pisano, S Orellana, H García Önto, R H Bengió
Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina., Centro Urológico Profesor Bengió. Córdoba. Argentina.