OBJECTIVE: To compare performance of three continence management devices and absorbent pads used by men with persistent urinary incontinence (> 1yr) post treatment for prostate cancer.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Randomised, controlled trial of 56 men with one year follow up. Three devices were tested for three weeks each: sheath drainage system, body-worn urinal, penile clamp. Device and pad performance were assessed. Quality of life (QOL) was measured at baseline and follow-up with the King's Health Questionnaire. Stated (intended use) and revealed (actual use) preference for products was assessed. Value-for-money was gathered.
RESULTS: Substantial and significant differences in performance were found: Sheath: good for extended use (e.g. golf and travel) when pad changing is difficult. Good for keeping skin dry, not leaking, not smelling and convenient for storage and travel; Body-worn urinal: generally rated worse than the sheath and was mainly used for similar activities but by men who could not use a sheath (e.g. retracted penis); not good for seated activities. Clamp: good for short vigorous activities like swimming/exercise. Most secure, least likely to leak, most discreet but almost all men described it as uncomfortable or painful. Pads: good for everyday activities and best for night-time use. Most easy to use, comfortable when dry but most likely to leak and most uncomfortable when wet. A preference for having a mixture of products to meet daytime needs; around two thirds of men were using a combination of pads and devices after testing compared to baseline.
CONCLUSIONS: This is the first trial to systematically compare different continence management devices for men. Pads and devices have different strengths which make them particularly suited to certain circumstances and activities. Most men prefer to use pads at night but would choose a mixture of pads and devices during the day. Device limitations were important but may be overcome by better design.
Written by:
Macaulay M, Broadbridge J, Gage H, Williams P, Birch B, Moore KN, Cottenden A, Fader MJ. Are you the author?
Continence and Skin Technology Group, University College London, UK.
Reference: BJU Int. 2014 Dec 11. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1111/bju.13016
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25496354