The authors tried to estimate the prevalence of urinary incontinence in children between 6 and 13/14 years by administering an anonymous questionnaire to students of primary and secondary 1 degree schools of the City of Verona.
The disorder is found to be present only at night in 1.9% (male)--0.6% (females) in the elementary school; also in daytime in 2% (males)--1.3% (females) in the elementary school and 0.7% (male)--1.2% (females) in the middle school; only in daytime in 2,7% (males)--3,5% (females) in the elementary school and 2% (male)--3,3% (females) in the middle school. These data may be underestimated by the low adhesion to the survey by adolescents.
Written by:
Benini D1, De Stefano G2, Provera S2, Pizzini C2, Deganello A2 Are you the author?
1Divisione di Pediatria, Ospedale S. Cuore, Negrar, Verona.
2Divisione di Pediatria, Ospedale S. Cuore, Negrar, Verona
Reference: Pediatr Med Chir. 2012 Nov-Dec;34(6):287-91
(Article in Italian)
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24364135 Urinary Incontinence Section