OBJECTIVES:This study was designed to evaluate the effect of traditional Korean medical therapy, consisting of needle-embedding therapy and pharmacopuncture therapy, on patients with urinary incontinence.
METHODS: Twenty-nine patients with urinary incontinence underwent two sessions of traditional Korean medical therapy in a month. The pressure and the duration of pelvic muscle contraction were measured and compared. The primary endpoint of the study was improvement in the strength of pelvic floor muscle contraction. The paired t-test was used for the statistical analysis.
RESULTS: Before treatment, a maximum pressure of 16.03 ± 6.28 mmHg and an average pressure of 9.62 ± 4.98 mmHg were measured, and the duration was 11.82 ± 12.08 seconds. After the first treatment, the pressures were 27.41 ± 10.46 mmHg (maximum) and 18.62 ± 9.72 mmHg (average), and the duration was 40.75 ± 60.02 seconds. After the second treatment, the pressures were 29 ± 14.86 mmHg (maximum) and 20.31 ± 11.51 mmHg (average), and the duration was 34.62 ± 42.02 seconds. Comparisons between before treatment and first treatment results and between before treatment and second treatment results showed statistically significant changes but the difference between the first treatment result and the second treatment result was not statistically significant.
CONCLUSIONS: Patients receiving traditional Korean medical therapy showed improved pelvic muscle contraction ability after a single treatment. If strength of pelvic floor muscle contraction is improved, symptoms of urinary incontinence also get better. Traditional Korean medical therapy, with a focus on needle-embedding therapy and pharmacopuncture therapy, may be effective for treating urinary incontinence.
Written by:
Kim YJ, Kim MC, Lee CH, Kim JU, Yook TH. Are you the author?
Plating Flowers Oriental Medical Clinic, Jamwon-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea.
Reference: J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2011 Dec;4(4):220-4.
doi: 10.1016/j.jams.2011.10.012
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22196504