Urethral diverticula are rare but clinically significant entities among female patients. Ventrally located, mid-to distal, simple or horseshoe diverticula are most commonly observed and are usually repaired via a transvaginal approach with varying levels of difficulty but high success rates. Dorsally (anteriorly) located urethral diverticula are more challenging to repair secondary to the need to access the side of the urethra opposite the vaginal lumen, abutting the external urethral sphincter. Unique proximal anatomy in the case presented led to careful consideration of the surgical options.
We present a review of techniques reported in the literature and a video demonstrating our technique for transabdominal robot-assisted laparoscopic excision of a large, dorsal, very proximally located, crescenteric urethral diverticulum in a patient who initially presented with urosepsis.
Robotic-assisted excision of the urethral diverticulum was accomplished in 3:27 h with an estimated blood loss of 50 cc. Vaginal counter-incision was not necessary. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful. Postoperative voiding cystourethrogram prior to suprapubic catheter removal revealed a well-healed repair without extravasation. At 6-month follow-up, she denied any de novo lower urinary tract symptoms such as urinary incontinence, post-void dribbling, urinary tract infection or urinary hesitancy.
Dorsal urethral diverticulum in women, particularly when very proximal, can present a diagnostic and surgical challenge for reconstructive pelvic surgeons. The robotic approach to urethral diverticulectomy is feasible for a proximal dorsal urethral diverticulum which lies cephalad to the pubic symphysis. This or other laparoscopic applications may also be considered as an adjunct to the standard vaginal approach for complex urethral diverticuli with a proximal dorsal component.
International urogynecology journal. 2021 Feb 26 [Epub ahead of print]
Sarah Mozafarpour, Ngozi Nwaoha, Daniel Pucheril, Elise J B De
Department of Urology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. ., Department of Urology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA., Kettering Health Network, Dayton, OH, USA.