As the Malaysian population is aging rapidly, there is an urgent need for an effective management plan for healthy aging, to extend life expectancy and to improve quality of life (QoL). Urinary incontinence (UI), which is common in older persons, is often linked to reduced QoL. This study aimed to determine the effects of UI on QoL among older persons in Malaysia.
This study was based on data obtained from 3716 Malaysians aged ≥60 years as part of the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS) 2018. QoL was measured using the Control, Autonomy, Self-realization and Pleasure 19-item (CASP-19) questionnaire. UI was measured using the Questionnaire Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis (QUID) score. Association between UI and QoL were examined using linear regression analysis, after controlling socio-demographic variables and comorbidities.
Overall, the prevalence of UI was 5.2%. By subtypes, the prevalence of stress UI and urge UI were both 2.0%, while that of mixed UI was 1.3%. The UI group rated their lives more negatively in all four domains of QoL compared with non-UI group. Those who were incontinent had lower standardized scores on control and autonomy domains of CASP-19 as well as total score. Results from linear regression analysis indicated that UI had a significantly negative impact on control and autonomy domains of QoL after controlling for socio-demographic factors and comorbidities.
UI contributes to a significant reduction on QoL of older persons. Healthcare providers need to be sensitive in evaluating and discussing UI, particularly with their older patients. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; 20: 38-42.
Geriatrics & gerontology international. 2020 Dec [Epub]
Muhd H Taufik Ramli, Noor Aliza Lodz, Fazly Azry Abdul Aziz, Tan Maw Pin, Nazirah Alias, Mohd Hatta Abdul Mutalip, Norhafizah Sahril, Mohd Shaiful Azlan Kassim, Halizah Mat Rifin, Eida Nurhadzira Muhammad
Institute for Public Health, National Institutes of Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia., Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.