Domain Comparison Between 6 Validated Questionnaires Administered to Women with Urinary Incontinence.

To compare patients' questionnaire-reported UI symptoms to determine which have the best concordance.

Women with self-reported MUI were asked to report QoL due to urinary problems on a visual analog scale and complete 6 standardized validated questionnaires with questions on MUI (MESA, UDI-6, IIQ-7, ICIQ-SF, KHQ, PGI-S). Specific questions related to SUI, UUI, UI severity and Quality of Life (QoL) were compared within surveys from each patient with a Pearson correlation coefficient.

Twenty consecutive women participated in the study with a mean age of 64±13 years and mean time to complete all surveys of 11.2±5.4 minutes. In SUI and UUI subdomains, KHQ, UDI-6, and MESA were well correlated, however specific ICIQ questions related to SUI and UUI were less often well correlated. For severity subdomains the UDI-6 score was poorly correlated with the KHQ, PGI-S, and ICIQ scores (all p>0.1). KHQ correlated well with the PGI-S (0.64, p=0.003) and ICIQ score (0.58, p=0.008). PGI-S and ICIQ severity scores were also well correlated (0.56, p=0.012). QoL on a VAS (range: 1-10) was significantly well correlated with both KHQ (0.75, p<0.001) and the IIQ-7 (0.64, p=0.003). KHQ and IIQ-7 were also well correlated (0.64, p=0.003).

In this pilot study, validated questionnaires with questions regarding UI are mostly well correlated in women for subdomains of SUI, UUI, QoL and severity. For UI symptoms and UI symptom severity the ICIQ and UDI-6, respectively, are poorly correlated with other survey results and may be less indicative of patient's complaints.

Urology. 2019 Jul 13 [Epub ahead of print]

Rena D Malik, Deborah S Hess, Alana Christie, Maude E Carmel, Philippe E Zimmern

Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 29 S Greene St., Suite 500, Baltimore, MD 21201. Electronic address: ., Department of Urology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas, Texas, 75390.