Incontinence-associated dermatitis from a urinary incontinence perspective

This article looks at incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) from the perspective of urinary incontinence (UI). IAD is caused by urine remaining on the skin following UI, which has many causes. It therefore should be assessed, treated and either resolved or managed to reduce the risk of IAD or its impact. The skin's anatomy and physiology are discussed and the changes resulting from IAD are explained. Should it occur, IAD can be treated by cleansing, moisturising and protecting the skin as appropriate, thus restoring its previous barrier functions. There can be confusion with grade 1 and 2 pressure ulcers, and the article points out the visual differences between these and IAD.

British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing). 2018 May 10 [Epub]

Mary Wilson

Retired Nurse Practitioner for Bladder and Bowel Health, Humber NHS Foundation Trust.