Stress Incontinence
Translabial Ultrasound in Midurethral Sling (Mesh) Visualization and Erosion Detection in Women With Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Retrospective Pilot Study
September 3, 2018
Resident simulation training improves operative time of the retropubic midurethral sling procedure for stress incontinence
September 3, 2018
Tension-free vaginal tape for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence: a 13-year prospective follow-up
September 3, 2018
Surgical Treatment for Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
August 26, 2018
Robot-assisted AMS-800 Artificial Urinary Sphincter Bladder Neck Implantation in Female Patients with Stress Urinary Incontinence
August 26, 2018
Six-Week Pelvic Floor Muscle Activity (sEMG) Training in Pregnant Women as Prevention of Stress Urinary Incontinence
August 20, 2018
Screening for Urinary Incontinence in Women: A Systematic Review for the Women's Preventive Services Initiative
August 20, 2018
Influence of age, BMI and parity on the success rate of midurethral slings for stress urinary incontinence
August 20, 2018
Translabial US: Preoperative Detection of Midurethral Sling Erosion in Stress Urinary Incontinence
August 20, 2018
[Therapeutic options for stress urinary incontinence following surgery for benign prostate enlargement]
August 12, 2018