Stress Incontinence
Suburethral sling in autoimmune patients: Complications, quality of life, and success rate - Abstract
January 10, 2012
The effect of a bioactive tissue-engineered sling in a rat of stress incontinence model
December 27, 2011
Functional and morphological differences between Monarc and TVT-O procedures - Abstract
December 19, 2011
The adeno-associated virus-mediated HSV-TK/GCV suicide system: A potential strategy for the treatment of bladder carcinoma - Abstract
November 30, 2011
Vaginal cone for postmenopausal women with stress urinary incontinence: Randomized, controlled trial - Abstract
November 24, 2011
Transobturator tape operation is more effective in premenopausal women than in postmenopausal women with stress incontinence - Abstract
November 18, 2011
Sling location in women with recurrent stress urinary incontinence following midurethral sling - Abstract
November 15, 2011
Are biomechanical properties predictive of the success of prostheses used in stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse? A systematic review - Abstract
November 10, 2011
Slings in surgery of genuine stress incontinence - Abstract
November 7, 2011