Background: Crohn disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bowel that may affect the urinary system.
Objective: The authors review their experience, evaluating the incidence, and examining the various modalities employed in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Crohn disease complicated by fistulae.
Methods: Of 541 patients with confirmed Crohn disease treated and followed in the Department of Gastroenterology in La Rabta University-Hospital in Tunisia between 1995 and 2010, 7 patients (1.3%) were found to have enterovesical fistulae.
Results: A fistula was diagnosed preoperatively in 6 patients. Six patients underwent resection of the diseased intestinal segment with bladder repair, and a temporary stoma in 1 case.
Conclusion: Enterovesical fistulae complicating Crohn disease is often clinically suspected preoperatively. Treatment, based on resection of the diseased bowel and extirpation of the fistula, can be accomplished with minimal morbidity and mortality.
KEYWORDS: Enterovesical fistula, Crohn disease, bladder, inflammation
CORRESPONDENCE: Sallami Satáa, MD, La Rabta Hospital-University, Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia ( )
CITATION: UroToday Int J. 2012 December;5(6):art 58.