INTRODUCTION: Pelvic surgery can result in injuries to the parasympathetic innervation of the pelvic organs. Such injuries can involve both preganglionic and postganglionic lesions. The purpose of the present study was to describe activation of the pelvic ganglion cells by the transcription factors ATF3 and p-c-Jun after preganglionic or postganglionic lesions in the rat.
METHODS: ATF3, p-c-Jun, and ED1 were monitored in rat pelvic ganglia 4 days after preganglionic and postganglionic lesions using immunocytochemistry.
RESULTS: Control ganglia exhibited weak nuclear staining for p-c-Jun but not ATF3. Postganglionic lesions induced ATF3 and p-c-Jun in neuronal nuclei. In contrast, preganglionic lesions induced ATF3 and p-c-Jun mainly in the nuclei of satellite cells and Schwann cells, although some neuronal nuclei were intensely p-c-Jun positive. No neurons expressing ATF3 were found. Staining by ED1 showed an increased number of macrophages in the ganglia after preganglionic lesions.
CONCLUSION: The authors hypothesize that the induction of nuclear ATF3 and p-c-Jun in Schwann cells and satellite cells is induced by degeneration, and that the expression of p-c-Jun and ATF3 in neuronal nuclei reflects activation of sprouting mechanisms.
KEYWORDS: Pelvic ganglion; p-c-Jun; ATF3; Denervation; Decentralization
CORRESPONDENCE: Bengt Uvelius, MD, Department of Urology, Skane University Hospital, SE-20502 Malmo, Sweden ( ).
CITATION: UroToday Int J. 2010 Jun;3(3).