Overactive bladder (OAB) and urinary incontinence (UI) are common conditions among women. We aimed to verify the difference between the preference-based index extracted from short-form six-dimension version one (SF-6Dv1) in women with OAB using different country-specific value sets, translate and cross-culturally adapt the King's Health Questionnaire Five Dimension (KHQ-5D) into Brazilian Portuguese, and examine the association between preference-based index obtained by the SF-6Dv1 and KHQ-5D.
This cross-sectional study included 387 women with OAB, divided into groups with and without UI. The participants answered the sociodemographic questionnaire, KHQ, KHQ-5D, and SF-6Dv1. A two-way mixed analysis of variance, with post hoc to multiple comparisons were applied and a Spearman's test was applied to verify the correlation between the preference-based index of SF-6Dv1 and KHQ-5D.
The main analysis showed a statistically significant interaction between the presence of UI and the value set obtained from the different countries (P = .005, Cohen's d = 0.02). The post hoc analyses showed that there was a statistically significant main effect of the value sets obtained from different countries (P < .001, d = 0.63) and in the presence of UI (P = .012, d = 0.02). The correlations between the preference-based index obtained from different countries using the SF-6Dv1 and KHQ-5D were significant.
Differences were observed between the preference-based index obtained in different countries and presence of UI, although positive and significant results were observed in the correlation between preference-based index from different countries. The correlation between general and specifics preference-based index was small; the SF-6Dv1 could be used in cost-utility studies for this population.
Value in health regional issues. 2023 Jul 04 [Epub ahead of print]
Ana Paula Rodrigues Rocha, Luiz Augusto Brusaca, Ana Jéssica Dos Santos Sousa, Ana Beatriz Oliveira, Patricia Driusso
Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil. Electronic address: ., Department of Physical Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos, São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil.