To investigate the surgical course for treating bladder polyps in patients with Exstrophy Epispadias Complex (EEC). EEC bladder polyps are unique pathological entities, with a distinct difference between polyps discovered at birth and polyps developed after failed exstrophy closure.
A prospectively maintained database of 1300 patients with EEC was reviewed for bladder exstrophy (BE) patients with bladder polyps. The following data was obtained: patient demographics, polyp type, past medical and surgical history, and continence outcomes. Polyps were categorized as: 1) Primary: bladder polyps at birth or during neonatal period. 2) Secondary: bladder polyps following a failed exstrophy closure.
Of 1300 EEC patients, 43 patients with polyps met inclusion criteria. All closures for primary polyp patients were successful, and continence outcomes remained similar in early and delayed closures (p=0.689). Secondary polyp patients were more likely to require augmentation to increase bladder capacity (p=0.033). Bladder neck reconstruction (BNR) (n=8) was successful in 83.0% of patients with primary polyps and none were successful for those with secondary polyps (p=0.035).
Delaying primary bladder closure for patients with small polypoid bladder templates did not affect closure or continence outcomes. However, primary and secondary polyps may require different surgical interventions. BNR was markedly less successful in secondary polyp patients, and secondary polyp patients were more likely to need augmentation to increase bladder capacity. This study emphasizes the importance of a successful primary closure and suggests that secondary polyps are an indicator of decreasing potential for bladder growth.
Urology. 2017 Jun 23 [Epub ahead of print]
John Jayman, Ali Tourchi, Masha Shabaninia, Mahir Maruf, Heather DiCarlo, John P Gearhart
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Division of Pediatric Urology, Charlotte Bloomberg Children's Hospital, Baltimore, MD., The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, James Buchanan Brady Urological Institute, Division of Pediatric Urology, Charlotte Bloomberg Children's Hospital, Baltimore, MD. Electronic address: .