Male contraception: Past, present and future - Abstract
March 4, 2015
Impact of gross and microscopic vasal fluid during vasectomy reversal on pregnancy - Abstract
February 3, 2015
Impact of the 2012 American Urological Association vasectomy guidelines on postvasectomy outcomes in a military population - Abstract
January 20, 2015
Validation of robot-assisted vasectomy reversal - Abstract
January 9, 2015
AUA responds to study linking vasectomy with prostate cancer
November 12, 2014
Vasectomy reversal outcomes in men previously on testosterone supplementation therapy - Abstract
November 4, 2014
Vasectomy: AUA Guideline
October 1, 2014
"Suddenly, bang, one day there's commitment with a woman…" Men, vasectomy and the life course - Abstract
August 26, 2014
Higher outcomes of vasectomy reversal for men with the same female partner as before the vasectomy - Abstract
August 14, 2014
Refertilization surgery - one surgeon's experience over 27 years with nearly 2000 patients - Abstract
August 7, 2014
Robotic intra-abdominal vasectomy reversal: A new approach to a difficult problem - Abstract
July 24, 2014
Vasectomy and risk of aggressive prostate cancer: A 24-year follow-up study - Abstract
July 18, 2014