Current medical management of endocrine-related male infertility

Male factor contributes to 50%-60% of overall infertility but is solely responsible in only 20% of couples. Although most male factor infertility is ascertained from an abnormal semen analysis, other male factors can be contributory especially if the sample returns normal. Male infertility can be due to identifiable hormonal or anatomical etiologies that may be reversible or irreversible. This manuscript will highlight existing guidelines and our recommendations for hormone evaluation for male infertility and empiric therapies including multivitamins, estrogen receptor modulators (clomiphene), estrogen conversion blockers (anastrozole), and hormone replacement.

Asian journal of andrology. 2016 Apr 12 [Epub ahead of print]

Joshua D Ring, Aye A Lwin, Tobias S Köhler

Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL 62794, USA.