Hypospadias is a highly prevalent congenital anomaly.
English articles, indexed in PubMed, published the long-term sexual and reproductive outcome following hypospadias repair. Almost all repairable cases of hypospadias are operated in childhood. Although distal hypospadias does not interfere with fertility, it is worthy reporting a case of an elderly man, who fathers 12 children and has no urologic complaint, presented with unrepaired coronal hypospadias and severely tight external urethral meatus.
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Katib AA. Are you the author?
Department of Urology, King Abdul-Aziz Hospital, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Reference: Cent European J Urol. 2013;66(2):221-2.
doi: 10.5173/ceju.2013.02.art28
PubMed Abstract
PMID: PMID: 24579034
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