The role of nutraceuticals in male fertility - Abstract

Nutraceuticals are food products that that can provide medical or health benefits by preventing or treating disease processes.

The high costs associated with assisted reproductive techniques for male infertility have led consumers to find less expensive alternatives for potential treatment. Nutraceuticals are widely available and have many antioxidant properties. This articles reviews the current English literature regarding readily available nutraceuticals and their potential effects on male infertility and potential side effects with excess intake.

Written by:
Ko EY, Sabanegh ES.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Loma Linda University, 11234 Anderson Street, A560, Loma Linda, CA 92354, USA.

Reference: Urol Clin North Am. 2014 Feb;41(1):181-93.
doi: 10.1016/j.ucl.2013.08.003

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24286776 Male Infertility & Reproduction Section