The role of oral antioxidants in the improvement of sperm parameters in infertile men.

A variety of pathologic conditions may increase oxidative stress in semen resulting in structural modifications to spermozoa's plasma membrane that interfere with sperm motility, morphology, and count. Antioxidants are currently being marketed to treat male infertility. In semen, antioxidants may decrease oxidative stress and potentially improve sperm parameters. In this narrative, mini-review we evaluated the effectiveness of antioxidants in infertility.

This mini-review of the current literature has been carried out through searching of the PubMed and Google scholar databases.

The literature review suggests that there is evidence that oral antioxidants such as selenium, carnitine, zinc, coenzymeQ10, vitamins E and C, etc. alone or in combinations, improve sperm count, motility, morphology as well as pregnancy rates in infertile men with idiopathic oligoasthenospermia. Unfortunately, most of these studies are poorly designed, limited by sample size, varying in dosage, differing in primary end points, and most notably lacking live birth data. Importantly, large randomized, well-designed, placebo-controlled trials are needed.

World journal of urology. 2024 Feb 05*** epublish ***

Georgios Kallinikas, James N Tsoporis, Georgios Haronis, Anastasios Zarkadas, Dimitrios Bozios, Vassilios Konstantinopoulos, Diomidis Kozyrakis, Despoina Mitiliniou, Evangelos Rodinos, Athanasios Filios, Panagiotis Filios, Gerasimos Vlassopoulos

Department of Urology, General hospital Konstantopouleio-Patision, N Ionia, Attika, Greece., St. Michael's Hospital, Unity Health Toronto, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, Keenan Research Centre for Biomedical Science, 30 Bond St., Toronto, ON, M5B 1W8, Canada. .