We aimed to identify what information patients and partners are seeking on male infertility forums. Online discussion boards were identified. Posts were analysed in three steps: open coding, axial coding and selective coding, to determine common themes. A total of 1,118 posts were analysed. The majority of posts (20.2%) were related to "Questions about male fertility diagnosis and testing", with 47.8% asking for assistance interpreting semen analysis results. About 15.7% of posts were about "Feelings associated with male infertility", with 26.7% expressing anger or frustration, 26.1% encouraging hope, 21% seeking hope and 12.5% expressing fear. About 15.4% of posts were about "Lifestyle factors to improve male fertility", 24.4% of which were about vitamins and 6.4% about intercourse timing. About 15.4% of posts were about "Male infertility conditions", with 43% about semen parameters. Other themes included "Questions about male factor treatments", "Questions about assisted reproductive technologies (ART)", "Relationship issues", "Asking for advice", "Financial concerns" and "Information sharing". About 63.6% of posts were written by female partners [t(1,117) = 9.451, p < .001]. The most common posts posed questions about male fertility diagnosis and testing. Users discussed feelings involved in infertility, and counselling should be integrated. About 63.6% of posts were by partners, highlighting the importance of partners having access to infertility information.
Andrologia. 2019 Oct 22 [Epub ahead of print]
Lauren Beeder, Mary K Samplaski
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA., Institute of Urology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.