This study assessed sperm quality declining on relation to paternal age and its impact on in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes in order to estimate the APA (Advanced Paternal Age) cutoff. For this, 83 couples undergoing IVF treatment for male factor infertility were enrolled. The women age was ≤39 years, whereas the men were divided in two groups: APA (n = 41; age≥40 years) and young (Y) (n = 42; age < 40 years). Conventional semen parameters (volume, concentration, motility, vitality and morphology) were analyzed in the collected sperm samples. Furthermore, sperm genome decays (SGD) was assessed by TUNEL assay (DNA fragmentation), aniline blue staining (chromatin decondensation) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (aneuploidy). No significant difference was found concerning the conventional semen parameters between APA and Y groups. Conversely, SGD analysis showed increased DNA fragmentation; chromatin decondensation and sperm aneuploidy rates in the APA group (respectively, 41%, 43% and 14% vs 25%, 23% and 4% in Y group). IVF outcomes also were affected by paternal age as indicated by the rates of cancelled embryo transfers, clinical pregnancy and miscarriage in the two groups APA and Y (29%, 17% and 60% versus 10%, 32% and 42%). Finally, statistical analysis of the results suggests that the age of 40 should be considered as the APA cutoff during ART attempts. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Molecular reproduction and development. 2018 Feb 02 [Epub ahead of print]
Ismail Kaarouch, Nouzha Bouamoud, Aicha Madkour, Noureddine Louanjli, Brahim Saadani, Said Assou, Smahane Aboulmaouahib, Saaid Amzazi, Henri Copin, Moncef Benkhalifa, Sefrioui Omar
Biochemistry and Immunology Laboratory, Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences, BP 1014, Avenue Ibn Batoutal, Rabat, Morocco., Biochemistry and Immunology Laboratory, Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences, BP 1014, Avenue Ibn Batouta, Rabat, Morocco., Labomac IVF centers and clinical laboratory medicine. Casablanca, Morocco., IVF center IRIFIV. Clinique des Iris, Place de nid aux Iris. Casablanca, Morocco., Université Montpellier, UFR de Médecine, Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy, INSERM U1183, CHRU Montpellier, Hôpital Saint-Eloi, F-34295, Montpellier, France., Reproductive Biology and Medical Cytogenetics Laboratory. Regional University Hospital & School of Medicine. Picardie University Jules Verne. Amiens., France., Reproductive Medicine, Developmental and Reproductive Biology. Regional University Hospital & School of Medicine and PERITOX Laboratory. Picardie University Jules Verne. Amiens, France., Anfa Fertility Center. Privante Clinic of human reproduction and endoscopic surgery, Casablanca, Morocco.