OBJECTIVE - To develop a web-based decision aid (DA) for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms due to benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH).
METHODS - From February-September 2014 we performed a four-stage development method: 1: Two-round Delphi consensus method among urologists, 2: Identifying patients' needs and expectations, 3: Development of DA content and structure, 4: Usability testing with LUTS/BPH patients.
RESULTS - 1 (N=15): Dutch urologists reached consensus on 61% of the statements concerning users' criteria, decision options, structure, and medical content. 2 (N=24): Consensus was reached in 69% on statements concerning the need for improvement of information provision, the need for DA development and that the DA should clarify patients' preferences. 3: DA development based on results from stage 1 and stage 2. 4 (N=10): Pros of the DA were clear information provision, systematic design and easy to read and re-read.
CONCLUSIONS - A LUTS/BPH DA containing VCEs(**) was developed in cooperation with urologists and patients following a structured 4 stage method and was stated to be well accepted.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS - This method can be adopted for the development of DAs to support other medical decision issues.
Patient education and counseling. 2016 Feb 08 [Epub ahead of print]
Romy E D Lamers, Maarten Cuypers, Mirjam M Garvelink, Marieke de Vries, J L H Ruud Bosch, Paul J M Kil
Department of Urology, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Hilvarenbeekseweg 60, 5022 GC Tilburg, The Netherlands. Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands. CRCHUQ, Québec, Canada. Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg, The Netherlands; Radboud University, Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (iCIS), Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Department of Urology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands. Department of Urology, St. Elisabeth Hospital, Hilvarenbeekseweg 60, 5022 GC Tilburg, The Netherlands.