[Update on the medical treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in men]

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are a frequent cause of consultation in Primary Care, especially in men>40 years of age. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has been recognized as the most common cause of bothersome LUTS, causing significant interference with everyday activities and quality of life.

The purpose of this study is to provide an update on recent developments regarding the medical management of male LUTS

Semergen / Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Rural y Generalista 2015 Jul 02 [Epub ahead of print]

A Alcántara Montero, F J Brenes Bermúdez, L Fernández Fernández, M L Martínez-Berganza Asensio, N Pérez León, Miembros del Grupo de Trabajo de Nefrourología SEMERGEN

Centro de Salud José María Álvarez, Don Benito, Badajoz, España Electronic address: a alcantara montero@hotmail com , Centro de Salud Llefiá, Badalona, Barcelona, España , Centro de Salud de Fuente de Cantos, Fuente de Cantos, Badajoz, España , Centro de Salud Mar Báltico, Madrid, España , Centro de Salud Gran Sol, Badalona, Barcelona, España
