BACKGROUND: Despite significant developments in transurethral surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), simple prostatectomy remains an excellent option for patients with large glands.
OBJECTIVE: To describe our technique of transvesical robotic simple prostatectomy (RSP).
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: From May 2011 to April 2013, 25 patients underwent RSP.
SURGICAL PROCEDURE: We performed RSP using our technique.
OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Baseline demographics, pathology data, perioperative complications, 90-d complications, and functional outcomes were assessed.
RESULTS AND LIMITATIONS: Mean patient age was 72.9 yr (range: 54-88), baseline International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) was 23.9 (range: 9-35), prostate volume was 149.6ml (range: 91-260), postvoid residual (PVR) was 208.1ml (range: 72-800), maximum flow rate (Qmax) was 11.3ml/s, and preoperative prostate-specific antigen was 9.4 ng/ml (range: 1.9-56.3). Eight patients were catheter dependent before surgery. Mean operative time was 214min (range: 165-345), estimated blood loss was 143ml (range: 50-350), and the hospital stay was 4 d (range: 2-8). There were no intraoperative complications and no conversions to open surgery. Five patients had a concomitant robotic procedure performed. Early functional outcomes demonstrated significant improvement from baseline with an 85% reduction in mean IPSS (p< 0.0001), an 82.2% reduction in mean PVR (p=0.014), and a 77% increase in mean Qmax (p=0.20). This study is limited by small sample size and short follow-up period. One patient had a urinary tract infection; two had recurrent hematuria, one requiring transfusion; one patient had clot retention and extravasation, requiring reoperation.
CONCLUSIONS: Our technique of RSP is safe and effective. Good functional outcomes suggest it is a viable option for BPH and larger glands and can be used for patients requiring concomitant procedures.
PATIENT SUMMARY: We describe the technique and report the initial results of a series of cases of transvesical robotic simple prostatectomy. The procedure is both feasible and safe and a good option for benign prostatic hyperplasia with larger glands.
Written by:
Leslie S, de Castro Abreu AL, Chopra S, Ramos P, Park D, Berger AK, Desai MM, Gill IS, Aron M. Are you the author?
Institute of Urology, Catherine and Joseph Aresty Department of Urology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Reference: Eur Urol. 2014 Jan 3. pii: S0302-2838(13)01381-X.
doi: 10.1016/j.eururo.2013.12.020
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24412229