[Epidemiology of benign prostatic hyperplasia]

Epidemiological data concerning benign prostatic hyperplasia are numerous but highly variable depending on the definition of the pathology that is selected and on the source of information used. The objective of this work was to present an inventory of the main epidemiological data available in France and worldwide.

A literature review was conducted from the Pubmed database between 1990 and 2018. The MeshTerm "benign prostatic hyperplasia", "epidemiology", "prevalence", and "incidence" were used to identify key articles of interest. These references were analyzed on the basis of the titles and summaries and cross-referenced with the cited references. The main articles selected were discussed by the authors before being summarized in this work.

The relationship between BPH, LUTS, OSV and increased prostate volume is difficult to establish. In the context of epidemiological studies, these difficulties have a major impact on the accuracy of the results that are proposed. Nevertheless, we see that global demographics and increased life expectancy are leading to a steady increase in the prevalence of this disease. The corresponding health expenditure is also increasing, but more rapidly, posing major public health issues. The analysis of national health system databases confirms the steady and significant increase in the number of patients medically treated while the number of operated patients remains stable for several years.

The number of patients treated for BPH-related LUTS is steadily increasing. The related health expenditures increase exponentially while their efficiency remains poorly assessed from a medico-economic point of view. Given the frequency of this pathology and the resulting financial stakes, improving the quality of life and preventing complications must remain the main objectives of the medical care offered to patients.

Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie. 2018 Sep 25 [Epub ahead of print]

G Robert, A De La Taille, A Descazeaud

Service d'urologie, CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France. Electronic address: gregoire.robert@chu-bordeaux.fr., Service d'urologique, CHU Henri Mondor, AP-HP, Créteil, France., Service d'urologie, CHU de Limoges, 87042 Limoges, France.