BPH - Benign Prostatic Enlargement
A review of the use of tadalafil in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in men with and without erectile dysfunction - Abstract
August 26, 2014
Prostatic urethral angle might be a predictor of treatment efficacy of α-blockers in men with lower urinary tract symptoms - Abstract
August 26, 2014
Explosion of the urinary bladder during transurethral resection of the prostate - Abstract
August 12, 2014
The role of prostatic arterial embolization in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: A systematic review - Abstract
August 7, 2014
Primary care evaluation and treatment of men with lower urinary tract symptoms - Abstract
August 7, 2014
Clinical application of contrast enhanced ultrasound to diagnose benign prostatic hyperplasia - Abstract
August 5, 2014